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Buy Babycakes Whoopie Pie Maker deal. Top deals is presented for you on Babycakes Pie Maker at Best prices. Find for best deals.
Product Information
Strong Feat
- babycakes
- cake pops
- baking
Customer Reviews
This product is one of the best for making delicious treats! It only takes two minutes to make 12 whoopie pie halves (6 whoopie pies). Making the frosting of your choice and the batter of your choice is easy. While it isn't as easy as a cake mix, it is not a hard recipie. Having fresh made things is better than having something with a ton of preservatives. The whoopie pies this thing can make are to die for. They are terrific and addicting. Anyone who tries one will have to have at lest 2 more. It is very easy to clean this machine as well. Infact, most of the time you don't have to clean it. I would reccomend this to anyone looking for a tasty new treat. You can have delicious results in just minutes. The best part, the results are amazing, not to mention their superior freshness and the "made from scratch exclusive taste". I give this product a 5/5. Nothing is wrong with it, except that it makes something that is very hard to stop eating.
Dakota Pickens
Awesome - Just like mini hamburger grill - cupcakes, apple pies ? ? ? I will be busy for a while here making all kinds of weird stuff.
four lil pumpkins
I bought myself this gadget because I love whoopie pies. I made the red velvet for Christmas and my guest loved it they snapped at my 3 yo bc he couldn't resist and got the last one. This is the fastest machine, I have the other cupcake, cake pop, and more but this by far is the fastest.. Also the next morning I made the biscuit, sausage, egg sandwich they have on the babycakes website... It was so delicious. I can't wait to make other things.
Rating: 3.3 10 reviews
Lookup: Babycakes Pie Maker, Whoopie Pie Maker, Babycakes Whoopie Pie
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